Romantic Music "Ocean Breeze"
A calm, ethereal and hopeful ambient music with soft piano, cinematic legato and staccatto strings, solo flute, solo violin, bells, harp, percussion, gentle pads, sound fx and textures. Perfect fot...
Romantic Ambiemce "Sky dreams"
一首美丽、伤感、空灵的氛围音乐,充满了光明和善良! 这个非凡的背景轨道为您的项目创造了完美的魔法和爱的氛围:婚礼和爱情...
Dramatic Epicness Stock Music
有力而沉重的鼓声,驱动的弦乐,和鼓舞人心的钢琴部分开始. 有很强的“好莱坞”和“比生活更大”的声音吗. For film, trailers, and...
Ambient Piano "Painted Dreams"
A calm, 浪漫和放松的环境音乐与电影钢琴, ethnic drums, percussion, dream harp, solo flute, ambient pad, cinematic orient strings, plucked synth and fx. This high quality...
Percussion Beat "Cheerleaders"
一个现代的,打击皇室自由轨道与大汤姆,打击,棍棒和鼓&bass part in the middle. Driving, fun and very posotive music! Perfect choice for sport projects, action scenes,...
Corporate Inspiring Feelings
积极的,鼓舞人心的动机跟踪商业,商业,促销演示视频. Suitable for any positive project. 包括现场录制的电吉他,低音吉他和钢琴...
Sales: 1
Optimistic Corporate Excellence
乐观的企业卓越提升循环:激励你的项目! 一首明亮、朗朗上口的曲调,非常适合公司视频、电视广告、视频日志和社交媒体内容.
New Product
Upbeat Inspiring Corporate Stock Music
An energetic positive corporate track. Motivational atmosphere. The main rhythm in guitars and piano. From 1:04 listen to the original energetic piano part.Instruments: Mute Guitar, Guitar, Piano,...
Corporate Inspiring Background Stock Music
乐观的,鼓舞人心的,令人振奋的,柔软的,生活的,最小的企业激励背景轨道. 这条赛道的情绪:生活,鼓舞人心的,积极的,感人的,激励的,令人振奋的,背景. This...
Beating Around The Box - Stock Music
“beat Around The Box”是一首时髦而时髦的Hip-Hop歌曲,带有一点迪斯科的味道. 它的切分节奏,欢快的节奏,和传染性低音线创造一个积极和快乐的氛围.
Discovery Nature "Miracles of Love"
一个美丽和鼓舞人心的电影轨道与管弦乐队, female choir, cinematic piano, epic drums, percussion, cymbals and some fx, ideal for landscapes, love stories, inspirational videos,...
Inspiring Piano "Eyes Closing"
An atmospheric, 鼓舞人心和振奋人心的电影作品与空灵的合成, dark piano, cinematic strings, steel drums, solo cello, solo violin, bells, duduk, choir, pads and sound effects. Ideal...
Good Times - Corporate - Stock Music
"Good Times" is a happy, positive, 令人振奋和鼓舞人心的音乐曲目,以钟声为特色, claps, upbeat drums and synths. 这个版税免费轨道是完美的广告,商业广告和...
Holiday Fun - Stock Music
-充满活力、欢快、现代的原声音乐,带有轻松的民间元素. 欢快和鼓舞人心的旋律会让你的听众感觉良好,创造一个愉快的节日情绪和气氛.-...
Rush Hour - Ska - Stock Music
Rush Hour是一首感觉良好的免版税斯卡音乐,配有充满活力的电吉他, upbeat drums, and a catchy hook. 完美的YouTube视频,广告,播客介绍,商业促销,...
Christmas Atmosphere - Stock Music
-神奇,和平,快乐,美丽的原声吉他轨道. 民间元素加上环境音景,营造出愉快的节日气氛.- Perfect for ● slideshows ● films ●...
Emotional Piano "Last Hope"
一架情感充沛、充满活力的戏剧钢琴,音质出众,演奏出色! 人物、戏剧、情节剧、电视剧、电影和电影预告片的最佳选择。...